Fostering Sustainable Behavior

Provides a detailed guide to community-based social marketing, and databases of articles, case studies and graphics relevant to a variety of environmentally sustainable practices. One can also subscribe to the Fostering Sustainable Behavior listserv at this site. The listserv is used by thousands of practitioners around the world to share information and ask questions of others.

Tools of Change

Provides descriptions of behavior change tools and detailed case studies.

Social Marketing Institute Listserv

Social marketers around the United States and the world actively use this listserv to discuss issues of interest and to exchange useful information and resources. Many listserv contributors are public health professionals. However, the issues raised are often applicable to promoting environmental sustainability as well.

The Massachusetts Social Marketing Association

The Massachusetts Social Marketing Association (MASMA) supports professionals in the state of Massachusetts who use social marketing in their work or wish to do so - providing skills and resources and opportunities for networking.